Juvena (International) AG
Juvena (International) AG
Louise Richards / Liliane Mester
Phone: +41 44 947 8160 / 8252
Tue, 05.04.2005
pts20050405048 Companies/Finance, Health/Medicine
Pressbox Pressbox
Dirk Trappmann new president and CEO at Juvena (International) AG

Zurich-Volketswil (pts048/05.04.2005/17:00) - Dirk Trappmann has been appointed President and CEO of JUVENA (INTERNATIONAL) AG with effect from 1 April 2005. In this capacity he is responsible worldwide for the group's selective and prestigious portfolio with La Prairie, Juvena of Switzerland, Marlies Möller Beauty Hair Care and SBT Skin Biology Therapy.

Dirk Trappmann, forty four years of age, is a graduate of the University of Wuerzburg, Germany, where he studied Business Administration. He began his career in the Sales division of Procter & Gamble. He moved to Beiersdorf Germany in 1992 and was later appointed Marketing Director for International Business at Beiersdorf International. In 2000 he became Managing Director of Beiersdorf Thailand and Indochina.

Dirk Trappmann takes over from Harald Stolzenberg who held the position of President and CEO for fifteen years and has now taken his retirement. During Harald Stolzenberg's presidency the group's turnover increased by 160 percent from 109 million to a total of 289 million Swiss Francs net sales, whilst the operating profit grew five fold. In the same period, the headcount at the headquarters and the affiliates rose by 30 percent from 835 to 1087.

Dirk Trappmann prepares to lead the group towards continuing sales and profit growth.

Submitter: Juvena (International) AG
Contact: Louise Richards / Liliane Mester
Phone: +41 44 947 8160 / 8252
Juvena (International) AG