Julian Mattocks
Phone: +43-1-81140-308
Mon, 13.12.2004
pte20041213032 Health/Medicine, Science/Technology
Pressbox Pressbox
Migraines double stroke risk
Female migraine sufferers on the pill at more risk

Seattle (pte032/13.12.2004/12:45) - People who suffer from migraines are twice as likely to have a stroke as others, according to researchers. As the BBC reports, a review of 14 studies by scientists in the US, Canada and Spain found that migraines roughly doubled the stroke risk, and women with migraines who are also on the pill are eight times more at risk of a stroke that those who do not. The findings are published in the British Medical Journal .

Researchers suggest that the increased risk of stroke may be caused by the reduced blood flow to the brain, which usually occurs in a migraine. The findings looked at by Dr Ali Samii, a neurologist at the University Washington and other colleagues from Washington DC and the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal also suggest that the risk of stroke for migraine sufferers is 2.16 times that for non-sufferers. Those who have migraines with interrupted vision (auras) are 2.27 times as likely to suffer a stroke and in those with migraines without auras the risk is increased 1.86 times.

About a quarter of women in their mid to late 30s suffer from migraines. The new research suggests that the increased risk of stroke for women who suffer migraines and take the pill is far higher than previously thought. However, the team says more work is needed as only three of the 14 migraine and stroke studies they looked at included the added threat from contraceptives. "Given that use or oral contraceptives is prevalent among young women, the potential risk of stroke among women with migraine who are also users of oral contraceptives must be further investigated," said the researchers.

According to Anne MacGregor, director of clinical research at the City of London Migraine Clinic and general secretary of the International Headache Society, there was no immediate cause for alarm. "We do not want people with migraines to think they are a high risk of having a stroke," she said. "The absolute numbers are very small. You are far more likely to get a stroke from smoking. That's the big risk factor." The Stroke Association said there should be more research on the matter. "Other risk factors such as high blood pressure and smoking may also have a role," a spokesman added. "Migraine sufferers who may have such risk factors and are intending to take oral contraceptives should be advised accordingly. Anyone who has concerns about this issue should discuss them with their GP."

Submitter: newsfox
Contact: Julian Mattocks
Phone: +43-1-81140-308