Milestones in Communication
Milestones in Communication
Mag. Julia Kent
Phone: +43 1 890 04 29-0
  • EU
  • medicines
  • Health
  • EHFG
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Milestones in Communication (2 releases)

At this year's European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), several discussions focused on the increasing demands for new strategies to ensure equal access to high quality healthcare. The funding and pricing of medicines as well as universal access to healthcare were also addressed, as was the role of the EU in this area. [more]

EHFG: Cross-border healthcare
2015-10-02, pts20151002021 Health/Medicine, Politics/Law
18th European Health Forum Gastein: Securing health in Europe
2015-07-08, pts20150708016 Health/Medicine, Politics/Law