pressetext / newsfox
pressetext / newsfox
Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
  • disruptions
  • work
  • renovation
  • Vienna
  • arirport
Mon, 15.04.2013
pte20130415020 Automotive/Transport, Commerce/Services
Pressbox Pressbox
Renovation works start at Vienna Airport
One of Vienna's runways is due to undergo renovation works in the next months.

Vienna (pte020/15.04.2013/14:32) - To avoid too much disruption, the works are to take place during 25 nights between 2100 and 0700 and during a maximum of five weekends from Friday 2100 to Sunday 1600 during which times the runway will be closed.

Weather and wind conditions will also have to be assessed on a daily basis to decide when the runway can be closed for the renovation works to take place - which will last until May, 26 at the latest.

The 16/34 runway was built in 1976 and has only been majorly restored once, in 1993.

Around 270 airplanes land on the runway every day, each equivalent to an impact of several tons. Sanitation is crucial to avoid loose chunks of asphalt from potentially creating major accidents during landing.

Passengers should not be affected by the works as the runway is being kept open during the daytime. The airport has put up a new line for further questions and complaints which can be reached under 0810 22 33 40.

Submitter: pressetext / newsfox
Contact: Michael Leidig
Phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
pressetext / newsfox